
RET 32

Revue d'Etudes Tibétainesの32号が出たようです(ダウンロードはココから)。目次は以下のとおり。

Kammie Takahashi, Contribution, Attribution, and Selective Lineal Amnesia in the David M. DiValerio, Case of Mahāyogin dPal dbyangs

Edward Garrett, Nathan W. Hill, Adam Kilgarriff, Ravikiran Vadlapudi, Abel Zadoks, Reanimating the Great Yogin: On the Composition of the Biographies of the Madman of TsangThe contribution of corpus linguistics to lexicography and the future of Tibetan dictionaries

Stefan Larsson and Andrew Quintman, Opening the Eyes of Faith: Constructing Tradition in a Sixteenth- Century Catalogue of Tibetan Religious Poetry

Hiroyuki SUZUKI and Sonam Wangmo, Quelques remarques linguistiques sur le tibétain de Lhagang, « l’endroit préféré par le Bodhisattva »

Rob Mayer, Book review of Zangdok Palri: The Lotus Light Palace of Guru Rinpoche: Visions of the Buddhist Paradise in the Sacred Kingdom of Bhutan

Per Kværne, Book review of L'épopée tibétaine de Gesar. Manuscrit bon-po Fonds A. David-Néel du musée national des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet

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