
Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 27, 28

些か旧聞に属しますが、Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines第27号が2013年10月に、第28号が2013年12月にアップロードされました。収録論文は以下のとおりです。それぞれココからダウンロードできます。

Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, Number 27, October 2013
 Laurianne Bruneau & John Vincent Bellezza: The Rock Art of Upper Tibet and Ladakh: Inner Asian cultural adaptation, regional differentiation and the 'Western Tibetan Plateau Style'

Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, Number 28, December 2013

John Mock: A Tibetan Toponym from Afghanistan
John Mock: Darkot Revisited: New Information on a Tibetan Inscription and mchod-rten
Daisuke Murakami: The Trapchi Lhamo Cult in Lhasa
Benjamin Bogin: Mchog gyur gling pa’s Visionary Journey to the Copper-Colored Mountain
Martin Vernier: The Forgotten Citadel of Stok mon mkhar

Jean-Luc Achard: Le Tantra du Précieux Amoncellement exprimant la Quintessence des Trésors — analyse thématique & édition critique
Per Kvaerne: Book review of A Noble Noose of Methods, The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahâyoga Tantra and its Commentary
Matthew Kapstein: Book review of The Black Hat Eccentric: Artistic Visions of the Tenth Karma


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