Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, Number 29, Avril 2014
Dylan Esler: On the Life of gNubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes
Saul Mullard: Sikkim and the Sino-Nepalese War of 1788-1792: A Communiqué from Băo tài to the Sikkimese Commander Yug Phyogs thub
Sam van Schaik: A Tibetan Catalogue of the Works of ’Jigs-med gling-pa
'Dzoms skyid sgrol ma: Khri ka'i jo jo lha khang gi byung ba dang gnas bab la rags tsam dpyad pa
Nathan W. Hill: Some Tibetan verb forms that violate Dempsey's law
Lobsang Nyima Laurent: The Upper Temple of Dangkhar Monastery — Iconographical Capharnaüm or Political Manoeuvre?
John Vincent Bellezza: Straddling the Millennial Divide — A case study of persistence and change in the Tibetan ritual tradition based on the Gnag rabs of Gathang Bumpa and Eternal Bon documents, circa 900–1100 CE
Daisuke Murakami: Aspects of the Traditional Gambling known as Sho in Modern Lhasa, Tibet ― religious and gendered worldviews infusing the Tibetan dice game
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